Tuesday 3 December 2013

Dec 4 2013

The teachers at Year 5 camp have asked for a note to be placed on the blogs. It has been very wet today and some of the children have already used a number of changes of dry clothes. If you are coming out to visit your child at Year 5 camp we suggest you bring some extra changes of clothes for your child. Thanks.

Contact details –           
St Marys 348 1701
Susan Nelson 027 697 4000
Sylvia Dunkley 027 5625 441
Teresa Rush 027 2570 668

Tui Ridge 260 Anderson Road (via Oturoa Road), Rd 2, Rotorua 3072       07-332 2508

Thursday 5 September 2013

Dragon's Den Survey Afternoon

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

We gathered heaps of information from our target groups today. Monday we build our final product. Everyone in class is looking forward to trying to win the class Dragon's Den competition.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

Geek force

Today I was at geek force playing flight controller and boggle

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Golden Time: Dipping marshmallows into chocolate

This wasn't messy or anything!  But we all agreed it was totally delicious!
What do you think?

Fun Making Pizzas

Blake shows off his masterpiece before it goes into the oven.  We are going to write the procedure for making this easy recipe next week.  Writing about things you eat is always a great way to learn!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Kutai Fritters


Making mussel fritters from the School Journal. 


They look very yummy!


Sunday 24 March 2013

Our Easter Parade and Liturgy

Every year our school celebrates Palm Sunday. We do this because on Sunday, before his crucifixion on Friday, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. Many of the students wave palms they have made or brought in from home and dress in clothes of the times.  You can read Matthew 11: 1-11 to learn more.

Kick It

Soccer fun in the hall

Swimming at the Aquatic Centre

Safety in numbers.  Using life jackets in the deep pool.

Kapua celebrating her swim in the outdoor pool. 

Primary school children in NZ are learning to have the skills to swim confidently a minimum of 200m to demonstrate they are safe around Rotorua lakes.

Great times at the Rotorua Aquatic Centre.  The class learned about water safety in the deep pool.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Swimming in our school pool

We have learned heaps since we started swimming this year.  We have great skills swimming on our backs.  Friday will be an exciting day at the Acquatic Centre for Swimming Sports!

Sunday 3 March 2013



School Tug of War


What a fantastic way to end the week.  Our entire school came out to have a tug-of-war competition.  It was hot but that didn't stop anyone from pulling their hardest.  This is MacKillop House getting ready to take on Mill Hill House.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Golden Time Week 4

It has been hot in our classroom in the afternoons lately.  Ms Nelson brought in a fan to cool us off but we thought a waterslide would be better.  So far no one in our class has lost Golden Time.  That means we get 30 minutes each Friday to choose something fun for our class to do together. 

We thought this looked like a lot of fun! 

Room 2 Leaders 2013

Noah, West, Dan, Caleb, Nidhi, Tayla, Lucy M, Kayla and Katelyn
are ready to serve St Mary's School this year. 

Thanks to the wonderful readers we had to help make the Leadership Assembly special.
Izaiah, Riya, Eric, Thomas, Francine, Elias, Lucy D, Alexander, Karandeep, Daniel and Joshua

Sunday 17 February 2013

Tuesday's Promise Liturgy

On Tuesday morning we had a very special liturgy at school.  Everyone in the entire school wrote promises to God for Lent.  Mrs Rush took all of the promises and burned them.  She added them to the ashes from the palms we used last year during our donkey parade.  All of the ashes were then blessed by Father Mark and were used for Ash Wednesday. 

Saturday 9 February 2013

Golden Time in the Glorious Sunshine!

The weather has been amazing so far this term at school. 

Every Friday afternoon our school celebrates excellence in behaviour with 30 minutes of "Golden Time".  This week everyone in Room 2  was involved and we decided to have a fun water fight on the field.  Room 5 did the same thing. 

The best part was our Principal  was there...we completely soaked him!  Ms Nelson was safe behind the camera.

We can't wait for next Friday!

Waitangi Day Research Fun

This week Room 2 researched and then made dioramas to retell the history of why we celebrate Waitangi Day in New Zealand.  Our dioramas had to show (through our art skills) who, where, when and what. 

Wednesday 30 January 2013

This afternoon our class completed a paper tower challenge.  After 7 minutes Lucy, Thomas, Daniel and Karandeep made a free standing structure that was over 1.71m tall!  That's what I call teamwork.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Kia Ora Room 2 Students
I hope you are all very excited about starting a new year at school.  See you Thursday morning!
Ms Nelson