
Final Week 2013!

Just a few reminders for our celebration week:

Monday      1:45pm Students will meet their new teacher and class
                    Please bring cookie decorating items including icing for our cookie decorating after  
                    morning tea tomorrow (Tuesday)
Tuesday       9am Prize Giving.  If your child is getting an award you will have been notified by the
                     Mass   Meet at 5:10pm on the field.  All children are expected to attend.  This event has
                                 been on the school calendar all year.  See you there.
Wednesday   11:30 Missioning of the Year 6 students
                      12pm School Closes for 2013

I hope you have all had a great year.  The school magazine is full of all the the amazing things we have done this year.  See the school newsletter for further details. 

I hope you all have a great time over the summer holidays.  Take care and stay safe.  If you are in my class next year I will have the blog up and running in the new year so check in and see what I have in store for you Term 1 2014...

Term 4 Week 8

Can you believe it?  Camp is just a couple of days away!

Remember to check the blog from a few weeks earlier to see what we expect the children to bring on camp.  The weather isn't looking teriffic but the forecast has been a bit off so far this summer.  Let's hope for a few more nice days before the rain sets in.

Regardless, all children will need a raincoat.  We will do many of the activities rain or shine and we just don't have the parent help to have children stay in the cabins.  Everyone will be expected to be outside participating!

Be sure to pack a book, pencils and paper or a deck of cards for evenings before bedtime.

Speaking of parent help...we need more.  We can use a few more parents to stay overnight and to help all day Thursday.  Mrs Rush had a minor foot injury this weekend and she will not be able to do much walking around.  So if anyone is wanting to experience camp we would love to have you come and help.  It is a lot of fun, the food is yummy and the kids are great.  Please see me Tuesday if you have some time.

Remember to bring your bike and helmet tomorrow. All Year 5s are allowed to wear their St Marys PE uniform instead of the school uniform.

Bring a drink bottle and wear sunscreen it will be hot biking.

Year 6's are away.  They were all rather excited when I saw them this morning.  Keep them in your thoughts and prayers while they are in Auckland.

Thomas and Karandeep  received 100% attendance award today from the mayor.  Karandeep has been at school every day for three years!  Well done boys. Tomorrow Karandeep is also representing St Marys at the interschool athletics.  Good luck and have fun!

Term 4 Week 7

The week before camp...

A notice for all Year 5s will go home this week.  It has details about the biking programme on Monday and Tuesday at the school.

The gear lists for both camps is located in the notices just after this weeks news.  Please check it out.  The Year 6 children need to add a small notebook to their list. 

Friday is a leadership day for Year 5s.  They have a full day of activities planned to start them out on the path of leadership as Year 6s next year.  They will also have pool time.  So Room 2 need to remember to bring their togs and towel. 

The Year 6s have their annual retreat at the church.  They are allowed to wear mufti.  We will meet at the school.  The children are to bring their pencil case with them.  We start the day at mass.  Parents can join us if they would like to.  Please ensure that dress is still tidy and appropriate for mass.  Year 6s are going back to the school at the end of the day.

Thursday evening after school  from 3-5:30 pm Rooms 1-5 are having an open day to show off our wonderful art we have completed for our symbolism topic this term.  Be sure to ask your child if their artwork has any special meaning!

A number of children from Year 5 will be attending the Mayor's Perfect Attendance ceremony.  This is Monday next week.  Some Year 5s have also made the St Mary's interschool athletics day.  Notices were handed out today.  Well done Karandeep!

It feels like I have left something if I can figure out what it is I will add it later.  Newsletter is out tomorrow be sure to check the calendar section.

Stay dry...sounds like lots of rain over the next few days.

Year 6 Camp List

 Year 6 Student Gear List  -



NB: Please attach a luggage tag to the outside of your bag(s), which clearly indicates your name and class.



Backpack, or small bag, which the student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:

  • Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
  • Raincoat
  • Sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Pencil case with pens/pencils



Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing

Pillow and pillowcase

Sleeping bag or sheets and duvet/blankets

Two towels

Swimsuit and plastic bag


Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey

Jeans, trousers or sweatpants



Sports shoes or similar

Jandals or sandals



Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush


Pencil case with pens, pencils, felts etc

Small notebook for daily reflections



Camera  - bring at your own risk

E-reader or small electronic game console e.g ipod for on the bus – bring at own risk.

Pack of cards or small board game



NO cellphones

NO knives

NO aerosol deodorant sprays or similar

Year 5 Camp List

Year 5 Student Gear List  -



NB: Please attach a luggage tag to the outside of your bag(s), which clearly indicates your name and class.



Backpack, or small bag, which the student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:

  • Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
  • Raincoat
  • Sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Swimsuit, towel, rash top (optional)
  • Pencil/Pen and paper



Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing

Pillow and pillowcase

Sleeping bag or sheets and duvet/blankets

Two towels

Swimsuit and plastic bag-


Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey

Jeans, trousers or sweatpants



Sports shoes or similar

Jandals or sandals



Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush




Camera (bring at your own risk)

Pack of cards or small board game



Week 6 Term 4

Welcome to week 6!

Please note the date and time of meetings this week and next.
These meetings are to ensure all parents have a say about what happens in our school.  It is important to us that you let us know what we can do as a school to help you child learn.  Get involved and help us make St Marys the best for your family.

General meeting 3.15pm Wednesday 20 November

Whanau Group 5.30pm Wednesday 20 November
General meeting 8.45am Thursday 21 November (meeting in hall)
Filipino Community. 3.15 pm Thursday 21 November
Pasifika Fono 5.30 pm Thursday 21 November
General meeting 7.00pm Thursday 21 November
We swim every day this week.  It is supoosed to rain for the remainder of the week....don't let that put you off bringing your togs because you will get wet swimming!  I am very impressed with how the class has improved in the pool this year.  Keep up the great work and remember to take the family to the Aquatic Centre for some extra practise.  Your goal is to swim 200m without putting your feet down.  For those who have already acheived that goal try to swim 1000m.
Thanks to all the parents and grandparents for attending mass on Friday.  It was wonderful to see the church bursting with people.  I thought the children all did a fantastic job singing!  Remember to put term 4 on your calendar for next year's mass.
JPC Testing is going on Tuesday.  So all Year 6 students going to JPC will have a full day tomorrow. After testing they go JPC and have a look around as a group to get a feel for the school.
Friday we have Athletics Day.  I will post more details as I get them from the office.  We usually have the students dropped off  and picked up at the field by the stadium. Remember to bring a hat, morning tea, sunscreen, lunch and a drink of water.
Next week kapa haka perform at the festival.  I can't wait to see them perform again this year!
Have a great week.

Week 4 Term 4

Great weather this weekend.  I hope you all found time to do something fun in the sun.

We have our school trip to the museum this Monday.  I still haven't heard from any parents.  This means our trip will be cut in half.  The children will not be allowed to go into the museum.  We will only be permitted to do the work in the classroom.   If you still think you can help from approximately 11 - 12 today please call me on 027-697-4000.  Thanks.

Hunny Bunny found a home with Kate and Finn. Thanks to all our Room 2 families who looked after him this year.  I am certain he will like staying in one place and settle quickly.

Andrew Chinn is arriving on Tuesday for a concert.  All children have been singing the songs Mr Chinn has written for our RE programme since arriving at St Mary's.  He is an amazing performer and he has all the children involved.  It is a great way for our catholic and school community to come together.  Mr Macmillian has placed this notice in the newsletter for a number of weeks and he has made it clear that all students are expected to come with their friends and family for a fun night of singing.  The concert will take place at the church at 6:30pm.  We will meet as a class out on the field and come in together. I can't wait to see you all there.  Students please wear your uniform.

Swimming this week every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message from the Health Promoting school team...

The Health Promoting Schools team are organising a Fruit Friday on Friday 8 November, to encourage students to bring fresh fruit and veges in their lunchbox each day.

Students are invited to bring a piece of fruit or raw vegetable to the collection box (outside the hall by the Junior Playground) before school on Friday. Some of the parents on the Health Promoting Schools team will then prepare the fruit and veggies for shared platters which will be available outside the hall at morning tea time. Please send a piece of fruit or a vegetable that can be eaten raw (e.g. carrot/ celery/tomato/broccoli/ cauliflower) to school on Friday if you are able to. Thank you.

Week 3 Term 4

My how the term is quickly disappearing!

Thanks to all of the parents who came out to the camp meeting last week.  Please remember that camp fees are due if you haven't already paid.

I am also looking for parents to help with our class trip to the museum.  We would love to have at least two parents come and assist us during our museum art class.  The Rotorua Museum run a fantastic programme and the class is certainly looking forward to this class trip.  We are taking the bus to the museum on Monday November 4th at 10:30 am.  Parents who offer to help can meet us at the museum or drive down with us.  Please let you child know if you can help by Thursday this week.

We are also looking for a family to take Hunny Bunny, our class bunny.  He really needs a great yard to have a play in.  He is looking a bit down these days.  So if you would like to have a lovely bunny as a family pet please let me know.

Wednesday night Blake Umbers and Eric Kahu are participating in RotoMaths.  We wish their team good luck problem solving.

Friday is All Saints Day. We also have our senior art elective.  Please ask your child if they have anything they need to bring to class that day.

Last week we had a great week in the pool.  It was fantasic to have nearly everyone in the pool every day!!!!!! Remember next week we swim everyday.

Week 2 Term 4

***Room 2 swimming this week EVERY day***

***Camp Meeting for ALL parents who want to know more about the Year 5 or Year 6 camps this Thursday****

We have started our art elective rotation in senior school.  Please remember to bring all the items your teacher asked you to bring in.

Wednesday the Young Vinnies are having a cake stall.  If you are part of the Young Vinnies group you will need to bring in something to sell.  There will be posters up reminding you this week.

Our Library time is Thursday.  Every student in our class needs to have a chapter book to read each day in school.  Please have your books ready to take to the library so you can issue new books each week.

Have a great week!
Week 1 Term 4
Welcome back! The two weeks seemed to speed by.  This term is jam packed full of great things to do. 

This term we will swim even weeks.  So we will start swimming every day next week.  ALL children will need to have togs for Monday rain or shine.  Swimming is part of the national curriculum.  It is important that we have regular time in the pool.  There is no alternate programme for students who are sick or forget their togs.  They have to sit at the pool and wait until the rest of the class have finished their lessons.  I love teaching swimming so I am hoping the kids will get a loy of these lessons.  They will also learn many life saving techniques. 

Please check with your child if they need any pens, pencils or rulers.  Being prepared for class is part of the key competency for managing self.
Our topic this term is Symbolism Through Art.  There may be notes home to bring cereal boxes or painting shirts...hopefully nothing that you don't have already.  We are also travelling to the museum for a lesson around some of the artworks they have on display there.  I will publish dates soon.

Camp is also just around the corner.  We have a meeting scheduled for all parents and parent helpers on the 31st of October  Week 2 Thursday October 24th.  But be sure to come in and see me if you have any questions. ( I have made a change to the meeting date please write this new date into your diaries!)

I hope you all have a great week!
Week 9 Term 3

Where did the term go?  We are in our final week of term!  We are doing lots of thinking and reflecting about out learning this week.  Students are putting final touches on their portfolio work that will go home at the end of the year.

Well done to Lucy M, Riya and Nidhi for making a great pitch to the Dragons.  They took out the top spot for their presentation last week. 

Sports Day has been cancelled with no postponement date. 

Our school has never sounded so fantastic!  Monday our school sang for the CD being put together by the church.  Notices have gone out to parents.  Keep a lookout in the newsletter about how to order.

Our class is finishing their calendar art.  Forms should be sent back to the school this week.  I have the folder of finished art if you would like to come in and see what wonder art your child has created.  The PTA uses money from this fundraising for many worthwhile activities and equipment in the school.  These works of art make great Christmas gifts.

Talent Quest Finals are this week during lunch hour on Thursday. Thanks to the many Year 6 Leaders for taking on the job this year. 

Don't forget to have your child read these school holidays.  Mrs O'Leary and Mr Macmillan have put together another Holiday Reading Programme and there are some great prizes to win!  All you have to do is read and record the books/pages....too easy!

A reminder about camp fees: Please have all final payments to the office by the end of Week 1 Term 4.  Thanks for your co-operation.  Please see myself or Mr Macmillan if you are making other arrangements.

Finally just a reminder about the Next Year's Class Survey for year 5s.  Please hand the form back in by Friday.  If your copy has gone MIA please see the office for an extra copy.

Have a great week.  Check back late the final week of holidays to see if/when we start our swimming programme in Term 4. 

Stay safe and have fun during the holidays.  We hope to see West back soon.

Week 8 Term 3

I hope you all have been keeping up to date with the racing in San Francisco.  Our class managed to catch a moment or two from the races.  There was a lot of excited discussion after the near flip of Team NZ on the weekend. We also saw images of Alcatraz and we taked a bit about what we knew from  watching the Myth Busters show on escaping from Alcatraz.

Yesterday the class had a Pass It session on netball.  Next Monday all students need to have the correct PE gear as we have our last Pass It session.  It is important that during these sessions all students are in PE gear so school uniforms stay clean and don't get ripped or torn.

Dragons Den class finals are underway and will finish today.  The presentations so far have been excellent.  Our class reprentative will go into the senior school finals tomorrow to compete against four other class finalists. 

Last week we Skyped with my nephew, Garrett Nelson who was just recently in Toronto filming for the Canadian Dragon's Den.  He gave us some tips on how to prepare a pitch for the Den.  He couldn't give away too much as the new season will not start in Canada until October.

Have a great week!

Week 7 Term 3Thanks to the families who have looked after our class rabbit this term.  Honey Bunny seems very happy after each of his weekend outtings.  If your family would like to take him home let me know.

This week everyone in class has been diligently working on creating a product for our Dragon's Den competition.  The cleaners make be frustrated at the mess on the floor but I am very impressed with the level of committment and creativity of all the groups.  On Monday next week we will choose our best "invention" and that group will then have the chance to compete against four other groups from the Year 5/6 school on Wednesday.  Ask your child what they are creating it has been very exciting in class.  Photos will follow later this week.

Starting this week the school newsletters will only be handed out to the oldest child in each family. 
Homework this week is the usual reading for 15 minutes per night, practising maths basic facts and it may include finishing the speeches that were not finished in class.  Children will bring home their speech to finish.  These speeches are to be in their own words.  Provide the time and space to complete them...try and refrain from offering to much assistance. 

I hope you all have a great week.

Week 6 Term 3

Spring has arrived!

We have a very busy week in store.  Thanks to all the Year 6 parents who sent back camp forms.  Year 5 forms are out on Tuesday.  Please have them back ASAP.
Chocolate fundrasing is available.  Students have to have a permission slip signed from home.  If you want to sell chocolates to raise money for camp please let me know.
Speech finals were today.  Our class was well represented by Blake Umbers and Lucy Mortimer.  Lucy was a third place finalist.  Well done!

Friday we have the Pass It coaches in.  Students will need to have their PE gear on and ready to wear under their school uniforms. 

Friday is also Mary's Birthday Mass.  All are welcome to come and enjoy the mass put on by the senior school.

Spelling homework goes home on Wednesday and the spelling quiz is Monday morning.  Please check how your child's spelling is going each week.  Thanks to the mum's and dad's who are getting the home reading diaries and books back each Friday.

The children in Room 2 are lovely caring students.  The bunny has never had such attention! 

I will add to the notices throughout the week as notices become available.

Week 5 Term 3

Thanks to all the parents and students who came to the Tips and Tricks for Number and Reading.
It was great to see so many people out to support the learning of our children.  Remember to stop in and see any of the teachers for ideas for iPad apps to support learning or for any other tips to use at home.

Wendesday ,Thursday and Friday the PTA are selling Father's Day gifts in the hall for $3.  It is always fun to see what surprises your children have waiting for you after shopping at school.

Year 6 Camp forms are due in now please.  There are still a few outstanding permission slips to be signed.  You do not have to make the full payment to hand in the forms. 

Year 5 Camp forms will go home on Friday.

Children have been offered the opportunity to sell chocolate bars to help raise money for their camp fees.  If you want your child to sell some bars please send back the signed permission slip.

The speech competition is on Monday.  Room 2 children have been diligently working on their speeches in class.  We will chose two students to represent our class on Friday.  Not all students have decided to enter the competition.  But all students have to write a speech and deliver it to the class for our oral language assessment this term.  A few children are going to practise a joke to say at the speech competition while the judges are deliberating.  If you know a funny and "clean" joke please encourage your child to come and see me. It is a great opportunity to get up and speak in front of a large group.

Milk in schools has been a great success.  The children are very enthusiastic about the programme.  It has come a long way since I was a kid buying milk in school.  Perhaps I can convince a couple of students to make a doco to put on the blog after speeches are completed.

Friday the school's Young Vinnie group is fundraising with a wacky hair and socks day.  Children are still have to wear their uniform though.  This is a gold coin donation.  Thanks...I am sure we will see all kinds of creative hairstyles.

The Year 2's are being very enterprising and making veggie soup (with the help of some clever parents).  For $2 students can get a cup of soup and a bread roll.  Money in tomorrow please.

For Golden Time this week we are making bbq bananas.  Just bring a banana to school we will look after all the rest.

Have a great week everyone!

Week 4 Term 3
Sorry for the late blog, the school's internet was down all day yesterday.

We have been deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death this weekend of Alistair Deakin, beloved husband of Louise on our teaching staff and father of their two daughters Robyn and Samantha. Please keep Louise and her family in your prayers at this very sad time. We will pass on information about Alistair's funeral as it becomes available.  The office can pass on any condolences and cards to the family. 

As you may have heard, we started the Milk in Schools programme last week.  The milk very popular and tastes great.  Thanks to all the students and parents who brought back the permission slips.  Photos up today if we can get online.

Don't forget we have our Tips and Tricks for Literacy and Numeracy this Thursday evening.  Meet in Room 1 for a short overview and then off to other senior classes for some information.  I hope to see many of you there. 

Nachos are on sale this week from an enterprising class raining money.  They will cost $3 and need to be pre-paid Tuesday and Wednesday this week only.
Spelling lists are out on Wednesday and we have our quiz on Mondays.  I found with mass and assembly on Fridays that we often missed the quiz.  Remember to read every night for at least 20 minutes.  Parents you can read to your kids...that counts!
I hope you all have a great week.

Week 3 Term 3Welcome back to another week of fun and learning.  We have all kinds of wonderful things planned in Room 2 this week.  Check back later for some photos showing off our ice cream container shoe designs!
I will search the photos for some pictures of students enjoying all of the activities we held here to celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary Mackillop of the Cross.  By all accounts it was very exciting and all the children had a great time learning more about our Saint.
Our school "zoo" has just grown by two.  Two baby guinea pigs are now calling St Mary's home.  They are very cute.
Thursday in the school hall we will be holding the Assumption Liturgy at 10am.
Also thanks to all the parents who came in to see me last week.  It is lovely to see you all.  Room 2 is a great class and it was nice to share your child's learning so far this year.
Have a good week.

Week 2 Term 3

Welcome back everyone.  What a great start to the term.  We had a fantastic ignition day for our concept topic on ENTERPRISE.  All of the children were very engaged and during our class reflection time had some great ideas about what we will learn about this term.
Remember that parent interviews are on this week.  Check out the school newsletter to find out how to book online.  If your internet is not working this week just have your child bring in a day and times that would suit and I can book you in.  ALL parents are expected to meet with me this term.  I can't wait to catch up with you all!
As you may have heard I am out of the class each afternoon.  I am part of a Ministry programme around mathematics.  David Macmillan will be teaching the children during this time.  He is taking the RE programme, some topic work and PE programme.  If you have any questions please feel free to drop in and see me before or after school.
School mass is this Friday.  We are celebrating all things Mary Makillop.  It is going to be a fun day for all involved.  As always, you are most welcome to come and share mass with us this Friday.
Lastly just a reminder about uniforms.  There have been many children in class without the proper footware.  Please have that fixed this week thanks. 

See you at interviews!

Week 9 Term 2

Kia ora koutou
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

The end of term is just around the corner.  Room 2 has been busy thinking about how to improve their thinking and learning  in reading, writing and maths.  It has been fantastic listening to groups of students discussing how to meet each challenge and using the language and vocabulary that helps to support them on their educational journey this year.  Hopefully each student will take a more active role in the parent-teacher evenings in Term 3.

We are learning tennis and badminton skills Wednesday and two days next week.  I remined the class to bring their PE gear.  We are inside this week and outside next.  This wasn't on the weekly notices.  Sorry for the late notification.
Friday Wednesday Room 2 will be going to Ohinemutu as part of our Maori Language week to discover some of the hidden delights there. There is a $4 cost to go on this trip.  It covers the bus, corn and koha for the tour.  Please have the money in to me by Friday Wednesday if possible.

There is a disco put on by the PTA next week, Thursday July 11th.  The theme is stars for Matariki.  Please check your weekly newsletter for times and costs.  They usually sell drinks and chippies.  We hope to have a bit of art up in the foyer so when you drop your child off come in and have a look.
Thursday July 11th the Year 5 and 6 Team are having an open night to check out all of the amazing things our classes have been doing in Reading and Writing.  I will be away that week.  The class will be open if you want to come in.  But I won't be there - Mrs Smallbone from Room 1 will be next door.   I will  open the classroom up  again the first Thusday in Term 3 from 3-4:30pm and will be around for families to come in a see what your amazing children have been up to this term.  The class have been working on some amazing videos.  I am hoping to have them up and ready to view before I go.  If not, they will all be ready to see after the holidays.

I am off to Canada for three weeks.  Whaea Annette will be teaching the class.  She is an excellent teacher and the kids all think she is great.  She has all kinds of activities planned.  I will still be checking my emails as I am just heading home and I will be staying with my folks.  So if you have any questions please send me a note through my school email.

Have a great week.
E noho rā

Week 8 Term 2It looks like another busy week in store for us again.  We have a gymnastics competition, newsteam competition and heaps of other exciting things going on in our school this week.
Firstly don't forget the class photos are on Wednesday.  Forms can be dropped off at the office or they can go in the class bag.  If you have mis-placed your form Mrs Dalton has extras at the office.  All money needs to at the school no later than Wednesday.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, we have our Zero Waste Lunch.  We will be taking a photograph of each lunch and the students will be comparing it to their lunch last Monday.  They decided on a few small changes they could make to create less waste. We are aiming for "zero" waste tomorrow.  I appreciate the extra time it may take to pack lunches tomorrow.  The children took home a survey for you to fill in.  We will be checking out that data later this week.  Thanks to the families who sent them back today. 

A whole school mass is on Sunday.  Details will be given to students later in the week. 
Six children have had the opportunity to go to the Star Gazing Lab at the museum today.  They were given notices a few weeks ago.  My apologies for not reminding them on Friday.  They will be travelling with our principal Mr Macmillian. 
This week we are doing to art/crafts that requires wool (yarn).  If you have any spare at your house we need some this week. Thursday afternoon they will be making their creations.  At the moment I only have a few packages.  Thanks for helping out.

Golden Time hasn't been set yet.  I will update the notices when the class decides.

Wow! The response to the writing homework set last week was amazing!  Mrs O'Leary was so impressed with the efforts from our class.  I hope this week's homework is met with such enthusiasm.

Have a great week.

Note: Matariki Disco is on July 11th.

Week 7 Term 2
It was a fun week last week.  The weather co-operated for the tree planting.  Check the Daily Post as a few groups of students had photos and names taken for the paper.  I heard that some groups planted as many as 14 trees! Wow! 

Then we came back to school to enjoy the Matariki Veggie Soup we left to cook in the slow cooker.  Those who tried it were surprised how delicious it turned out to be. There were a few who opted out of trying vegetables and missed out on what might have been the best soup ever made at St Marys this year.

This week seems to be a bit less hectic.

Tuesday we have author and illustrator Terry Rose Baynton coming in to speak to the children.  I set homework last week for the class to create a comic or a short story about a new adventure her characters will take.  A few lucky students will then have the opportunity to go to a writer's workshop with Terry. 

Tuesday is also the ICAS Spelling and Writing tests.  They will start between 9 and 9:30am.

Our class have been busily working on creating book trailers for some picture books they read.  We will have the trailers (movies) ready at the end of the term for parents to come in and check out before we put them up on our blog.

Monday was the start of our Nude Food Week.  The class is looking at how to create a zero waste lunch including everyone in the class.  A survey will go home this week to ask for input from parents.  Please be positive.  This is not going to be a policy we expect to adhere to everyday.  It will be a one off day next week where we just hope to have more people think about packaging on food and how it impacts our environment.  I hope we will have heaps of support from our families as we aim to have zero food and packaging waste one day next week....possibly Monday.  A notice will be sent home to let you know more about our objectives.

Goldentime this week is going to be making armpit fudge.  If this changes I will post here on the blog.  The class wanted to do it earlier in the term.  A list of ingredients will go home Tuesday.  We don't want families to have to go and buy anything special.  We hope to just raid stocked pantries!  If it is a problem email me.

Hope you all have a lovely week.

Week 6 Term 2

This week we were offered the opportunity to be involved with the Utuhina Stream Tree Planting on Friday of this week.  The class discussed what they needed to bring.  We decided it would be best to bring a change of clothes and footware as it might be muddy. Two free sausages will be provided to the students.  If it is drizzling then it will still go ahead bring something to wear to keep dry.  If it is raining more than that it is cancelled.  We are travelling by bus to and from the tree planting.  We will be gone from 11:40 - 1:30. 

We also decided yesterday to celebrate Matariki with a lovely homemade soup.  We will make the soup Friday morning and then after it has cooked all day enjoy a bowl after we get back from our trip.  In the spirit of Matariki we are each bringing a vegetable from home.  Our list included potatoes, kumuera, pumpkin, carrots, celery, onion, spices and bread and rolls.  A few generous children volunteered crock pots! That way it can cook while we are away.  If someone does have a crockpot they don't mind lending please let me know.  I will bring mine but it is quite small for 28 portions.

Remember Room 2 has a big focus on independent reading in our class this term.  Every day we stop and read for 15 minutes.  The last reliever we had in class made a point of coming to me days later and telling me how amazing it was to be in a class where students settled and focussed on their reading for that long.  So well done class!   I hope everyone is doing the same at home.

Homework this week is writing a short story or comic about two characters from a picture book we read.  The author, Terry Rose Baynton, is coming to our school on Tuesday to speak to all the children.  There is a competition to attend a workshop lead by the author/illustrator that day.  I would love to display 28 books written by the creative students in our class.  So get thinking!  The completed books are due Monday.

Week 5 Term 2Parent Evening - Thursday 6 June 6.30pm in Room 15 ( Mr James Room - one of the new classrooms by the school office)
Tessa Gray is our guest presenter at this meeting.looking at "What is the value and impact of using technology in our classrooms and what are some of the things we need to consider and think about as we try and prepare our students for the world they are living in?
Tessa works with schools nationally around eLearning and Digital Citizenship and is both a very interesting and informative presenter. She presented at a Parents Evening we held in 2012 and we received very positive feedback about this session - and requests to have her present again.

Week 2 Term 2

Welcome back!

This week we are heading to the Redwoods to run our school cross country.  We have been very busy running to get fit for the challenge on Wednesday.  A notice went home at the end of term and last week.  We needs lots of drivers to help transport students and cheer as tired children race for the finish line.

Reading at home every night is one of the most important skills for children to learn to enjoy.  Please encourage your child to read every night.  A reading log has been given to each student to fill in. 

Maths basic facts need to be practised each night.  Each maths teacher will have assigned students basic facts to learn. 

We missed out on our Golden time on Friday due to the rain.  So we will have our game today if the weather co-operates.
This term our topic is Sustainability.  If you have a passion for the environment or your work has implemented some interesting green ideas we would love for you to come to school and share them with our class. 

Have a great week.

Week 12 Term 1

Our final week of term is here.  The children will be busy this week reflecting back on everything we have achieved this term. 

Just a few notices...on Wednesday students are to bring their PE uniform.  We have one final Kick It session.  If it is raining this will take place in the hall.  Our final spelling quiz will be Monday (today) and I will be doing a quick tally of completed homework tasks.  A homework reward will take place on Thursday.  I have been very impressed with the level of work being completed at home. Rememeber uniforms change for term 2 and 3.  Please ensure you have the correct uniform and shoes before the start of term.

Thanks to Kapua's dad Paul for coming in for an hour or so on Friday to make kutai fritters.  It was a huge buzz in the classroom when Paul arrived to help out.  They were delicious and the reading group had a great time taking them to share the extras with teachers around the school. Another group stayed and made corn fritters in the classroom with me. 

This week another reading group will be heading home looking for a few ingredients to make a secret recipe for the class.  I would love to have another parent from that group help out as this will involve using an oven. 

Next term we are going on a few class trips around Rotorua.  I will let you know dates as soon as I get them.  I usually need a minimum of three parents to help out for each class outting.

The working bee was a success. I think you will see that our school is even more beautiful than last week. 

If you have anything you would like to discuss with me before the end of term please drop in any time to see me.

Have a great week and keep safe and enjoy your holidays.

Week 11 Term 1

Kia Ora and welcome to Week 11!   I hope you all remembered to turn back your clocks an hour.  It was great to feel like I had an extra hour to sleep in yesterday.
The pool is not open this week so there is no swimming.  We will be learning some new co-operative team games this week during our PE sessions.  All students should bring thier PE gear on Tuesday and Thursday this week.
Congratulations to Eric, Daniel and Kapua who spent Friday at the Aquatic Centre for the Inter-School Swiiming Sports.  The weather has been fantastic all term and that is alwasys good news when you are in the outside pool.

Enjoy your week.  If you have any questions or concerns about how learning is going with your child please come in and see me this week or next.  I would love to chat and set up reading or maths practice during the holidays for families wanting to keep up the learning at home.

Week 9 Term 1

Hi everyone I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
We are swimming this week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  The pool is heated at St Marys so please do not send notes from home saying it is too cold for your child to swim.  I am completing the final swimming assessments this week and all children need to be in the water all week.  Thanks for your understanding. 
Tuesday is the final drama class for Room 2.  Mrs Young has been coming every Tuesday and students have been involved with many fun mini drama sessions. 

Wednesday we are celebrating Holy Week this week with a liturgy in the school hall at 10am.  Each class is learning about the different Stations of the Cross and will share their ideas with other classes. We also have our last Kick-It session with Juan.  All children need to have their PE gear at school on Wednesday.  We will not swim on Wednesday.

Don't forget there is no school Friday and next week Monday and Tuesday as we have Easter holidays to celebrate.

Enjoy your week and remember this is the most special of all weeks at St Marys.  Please ask your child what they are learning in RE  as they should have many ideas and stories to share with their families.

Week 8 Term 1

Apologies for not getting the notices up Sunday but the internet was slow at home and I couldn't get our blog to load properly.

There is no swimming this week.  We do swim Week 9.  So please bring togs and towels next week.
Kick-It is on Wednesday.  We have a wonderful coach Juan from South America who is teaching the children all kinds of new games and skills for soccer.  Ask your children what they are learning in sport this week and have a go at home.  Children are to wear their St Mary's PE gear.

Our last day in the Life Education caravan is Tuesday.  We have been learning about what qualities make a good friend. There have been some great debates in class about what is most important when listing those characteristics.  This week we will be thinking about bullying and will gain some strategies to help us deal with people who may not use their best friendship qualities when interacting with others.

Friday at 10 am we have the Palm Sunday Parade outside on the field.  Children are invited to wear their clothes from the time of Jesus to help be a part of the reinactment.  If you have any palm trees in your garden please bring a frond or two to school.  These will be dried and burned and the ashes used in next year's Ash Wednesday liturgy.

Thank you to all those families who are helping the students prepare and send their homework each week.  I have also been asked to remind children who are on the Home Reading Programme to keep up the good work. 

It is nice to see the rain finally.  The field may soon be lush and green again!
Have a great week.  God Bless.

Week 7 Term 1
What a great day at the Aquatic Centre on Friday!  I will post pictures onto the blog later this week.  The weather was great and our class was very busy in the pool accumulating points for their Houses.
Again thanks to parents who helped make the day go smoothly by volunteering your time and energy.

Life Education is visiting our school for the next two weeks.  Our class has our first encounter with Harold on Tuesday.  Please ask your child how things went and what ideas we are studying in the LF unit.  It is a fantastic and motivating programme.  Our class will refer back to many of the themes discussed in the "truck" for the rest of the year.

Thursday school closes early.  If possible, please pick your child up at 12:30pm on Thursday.  Buses will still be operating at regular times and those students, along with any students who are not picked up early, will remain in the hall with staff not attending the Teacher's Union meeting.  Let me know if you are unable to pick up your child and I will ensure they are looked after here at school that afternoon.

Friday we celebrate St Joseph's Mass at 9am.  We would love to have parents and family join us.

Please remember to complete the reading, spelling and maths basic facts homework each night.  Thanks to the many families who send in the extra homework via email.  It is lovely to see so many dedicated students working on mini-projects.

No swimming this week.  We swim again in Week 9.

I hope you all have a lovely week.  Drop in and see me or email me if you have any questions about what Room 2 is learning this week.

Week 6 Term 1

It looks like another busy week ahead of us. 

Thanks to all the parents and families who came out to support our Gala.  We raised enough money to finally build our new junior playground and add a few items to the senior playground.  As soon as building permits and other bits of paperwork are completed construction will begin.

This week our class is swimming all week.  SwimStation is with us again.  We swim at St Marys Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thursday we take the bus to do some deep water swimming and water safety at the Aquatic Centre.  It is very important that all students remember their togs each day.  We are completing assessments in the pool this week.

Friday is Swimming Sports Day.  Please drop your child off at the Aquatic Centre at 8:30 am.  There may not be any teachers or staff there earlier so please do not drop your children off earlier.  If your child is sick please call the office and leave a message for Mrs Dalton.  Be sure to pack a drink bottle filled with water, a large lunch, sunscreen and a hat.  The children can dress in their house colours.  If you can help out please let me know.  It is a lot of fun and it is important we have as many parents helping when we are at the pool.

Tuesday evening Fr Mark is speaking at a parent evening about our programme of religious instruction.  We will meet in the hall.  It will be short and Room 2 decided that it was very important for all families to support this opportunity.

Chicken pox is going around the class.  So far two or three students have been home sick.  Just thought you might want to know if you are wondering where the itchy spots are coming from.  Please let Mrs Dalton know at the office if you suspect your child has come down with the chicken pox.

Hope to see you at swimming sports on Friday.  If it is raining (not likely) please check the school website.  If it is postponed then please bring your child to school in school uniform.

Have a great week!

Week 5 Term 1

Week 5 already!
Please remember to keep your calendar free on Thursday for our annual Gala Day to raise money for the school.  There are plenty of great prizes up for grabs and the games in 'Teacher Alley' will be heaps of fun.  Thanks to those families who have been bringing in bits and pieces for the Gala. Your support is very important to the success of our Gala.

This week we have the amazing instructors from the Aquatic Centre to run our SwimIt programme.  Students are required to bring their togs and towel each day.  We will post photos to the blog later in the week so you can see how hard Room 2 works out in the pool.

Room 2 did a fantastic job helping out at the Leadership Assembly on Friday.  I was very proud of how all of the Year 5 and 6 readers performed.  It is never easy to speak in front of an entire school especially when so many parents are in the audience.

Check out our photo of the leaders from our room on the blog.  Our school is going to be a lot of fun with so many serving our school.  One of the first events our leaders are involved with is Swimming Sports Day.  Each house will be looking for a parent to help sew a banner to use at the Auquatic Centre next week.  If you can lend a hand please let your child know.

If you didn't make it to the interview night I am available to meet most days before and after school. 

I hope you all had a restful weekend.  See you Monday!

Week 4 Term 1

Thanks to all the parents who came to see me last week.  It was fantastic to meet you all so early in the year.

Room 2 is not swimming this week.
Gala Day organisation is well underway.  Many families have donated lots and lots of things for our fundraiser.  The PTA sent home a red notice with all the students in Week 2.  If you have anything at home that you think would help with our amazing Gala Day please send it along to school.  The children are receiving House points for remembering to bring a few items from home.  Many thanks for supporting our school.

This week our Year 6 Learders are going to be announced.  They will receive their badges at a special assembly in the hall on Friday.

Week 3 Term 1

We have had a wonderful start to the school year. Thank you to all the parents who have sent through their email addresses. There will be many times throughout the year this will be a handy way of getting in touch. I also like how quickly I receive homework.

I hope you enjoy checking out what Room 2 is getting up to each week. Please check back often and add a comment or two. The students are taking over the blog this week and I am sure they will love getting feedback about their hard work.

This week is a busy week:

We swim each day and I expect all students will participate everyday.

It is Shrove Tuesday this week and I am planning to make pancakes in class. If you have a container of the pancake mix in the pantry I'd love to use it. We will definitely have photos of all of us eating some yummy sweet treats before Lent begins on Wednesday.

Tuesday is also our Promise Ceremony. Tomorrow we will all write one thing we promise to do/not do over Lent. Please discuss if your family makes any special promises to God that you would like your child to think about writing on their promise note.

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and there is a liturgy in the church at 10am.

Wednesday is also our library day. Your child should have a book to bring home and a book for school. Our room has made a goal to read at least one chapter book every two weeks this term. The library is also open every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch.

Parent - Teacher Inteviews are on this week. You can book to see me either Wednesday or Thursday. The school website has all the information you will need to book online. Email me if you have any questions. All senior school classes are trying to get 100% of our parents in this term. Please help us make that goal a reality. If those days don't suit your family please get in touch with me to make an appointment for another day.

Homework is sent home on Mondays. Please email me during the week if you have any questions or problems.

Last reminder... All students need to have a brimmed hat to wear and PLEASE name all clothing items.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I managed to get in to see the Wearable Art display at the Rotorua Museum and it was fantastic!

Susan Nelson
Room 2

Room 2 will swim Weeks 1,3,5,6,7,9 and 11
Swim It will take place Week 6.
Students will need to have their togs each day.

If students are not swimming due to illness they require a note or an email from home.

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